For Linux users, NixOS, which uses the Nix package manager and has access to 80,000 packages (programs), put out its newest release May. It allows for saving a complete configuration to one file. Distributing that file to other PCs completely and quickly reproduces the entire OS.
An incredibly configurable Linux OS called Blend OS, is really getting rave reviews this year. Users can switch between the most popular Desktop Environments like GNOME, MATE, Plasma, XFCE. The root system is not modified by users but receives rolling updates automatically. Users can create multiple Distributions like Fedora, Arch, Ubuntu, and Debian. Then they can install any applications available to those distros and they are shielded from one another. For example, if someone wanted to test a program they are writing under Fedora and Ubuntu, Blend OS, makes it very easy to do from one system. I plan to set up a system with this soon.